About us

Precisis AG is a SME active in the field of medical technology, with a particular focus on information technology and precision equipment for surgery. The company is based on more than 15 years experience in the development and marketing of complex products and clinical solutions for applications in neurosurgery, radiotherapy and radiology. The close collaboration with research institutions and clinical users has led to research projects in robotics in clinical surroundings. Precisis is involved in the technical and IT tasks, certification and market launch of the joint developments.


What motivates us

The Precisis AG has a long background of bringing research driven developments to the market for medical devices successfully. So far, products for neurosurgery and radiosurgery were CE certified and are being distributed in Germany, Europe and overseas. The current ECHORD experiment ASSROB Tool Instrumentor opens the chance to develop a modern robotical surgical assistant, which is IPR protected. The targeted market could be huge.

In the application of precision technology in the medical field the positive impact for the clinician as well as for the patient is directly at hand. To be able to create this impact with a small but specialized team is both, challenge and motivation for us at the same time. We hope that the vast potential of using Robotics to help fulfilling these tasks will lead to exciting solutions.

How to contact us

Precisis AG
PD Dr. Robert Boeseke
Hauptstraße 73
69117 Heidelberg

