About us

KTH is the leading technical university in Sweden with research in a broad range of topics ranging from natural sciences to all branches of technology. The School of Computer Science and Communication, with about 60 senior faculty, performs research in areas such as applied mathematics, distributed computing, and computational neuroscience. Its Computational Vision and Active Perception Laboratory (CVAP), performing research in computational vision and robotics, was formed in 1982. CVAP has support from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, the Swedish Research Council and a number of EU. CVAP is integrated with the Centre for Autonomous Systems (CAS), an interdisciplinary centre for research on robotics with a focus on different aspects of service robotics.  Navigation and localization have been one of the core topics since the start and this is the knowledge that will be disseminated in this project.


What motivates us

KTH and its Centre for Autonomous Systems (CAS) is participating in this ECHORD experiment as it offers an opportunity to transfer knowledge and increase impact of the research results. The experiment puts us in close connection with a market leading product company with unique knowledge about the market and channels to it as well as a company that will take care of the industrialization of the system so that we can focus on the theoretical and algorithmic parts where our strength lies. This is a nice way to balance between research and development for us.

How to contact us

Centre for Autonomouos Systems
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Dr. Patric Jensfelt
10044 Stockholm


