About us

Elumotion Ltd is a research and development robotics company based in Bath, UK

Historically we have worked on preproduction prototypes for prosthetic hands and arms and more recently we’ve designed and produced multi-articulated sensorised human-like robot torso prototypes.

Elumotion Ltd has been trading for 8 years over which time we have seen some of our work go on as part of fully commercial international world-class products.  



What motivates us

Our expectation from this project is to see a 1:1 scale proof of principle sensor and associated control system based on BRL’s (Bristol Robotics Laboratory) prior work on a biologically inspired tactile sensor. Beyond the proof of principle prototype we expect to see design considerations highlighted that will make future iterations of the sensor justifiable in terms of, safety, reliability, cost of manufacture and assembly.

To date our chief input has been to highlight the need to miniaturise the larger scale concept model originally used by BRL for experiment early in the project, as from our experience miniaturising components is both time consuming and can also highlight areas that might not have been considered at all at larger scales. Two key areas that have already arisen from miniaturising the apparatus have been the appropriate matching the focal of the camera and difficulties in the manufacturing slender miniature rubber structures.  

How to contact us

Elumotion Ltd.
Graham Whiteley
Unit 1, Wansdyke Business Centre
Oldfield Lane
Somerset & Avon


+44 1225 466633


