flexprass - Flexible Precision Assembly with Mobile Robots The integration of human workers and their creativity with mechanical precision allows the efficient production of high-tech...
[Last edited
Mar 4, 2013
ASTROMOBILE - Assistive SmarT RObotic platform for indoor environments: MOBILity and intEraction The ASTROMOBILE project aims to develop and demonstrate that a smart robotic mobile...
TACTIP - Tactile fingertip for robots The TACTIP project addresses a number of robotics issues: the need for improved tactile sensors for robot manipulators and the creation of...
[Last edited
Jun 6, 2013
HUROBIN - Human-Robot Object Interaction The targeted research focus of the experiment is the human-robot interfacing and safety investigating the human-robot co-worker scenario,...
[Last edited
Jun 25, 2013
AssRob Tool Instrumentor - Semi-autonomous surgical tool Instrumentor for robot co-workers in hip-surgery The main innovation of the AssRob Tool Instrumentor experiment is to create a...
[Last edited
Oct 30, 2013
Cowboi - Cooperative Welding employing Robot Intelligence In the COWBOI experiment, an integrated approach for a small lot-size human-robot cooperative welding systems will be...
[Last edited
Oct 18, 2012
C-KOMPAï - Providing Cognitive capabilities to the KOMPAï Robot with the addition of a Cognitive Brain The CBRAIN (Cognitive Brain for Service Robotics, developed by C-ROBOTS) is a...
[Last edited
Nov 21, 2012
RIVERWATCH - Cooperating robots for monitoring of riverine environments RIVERWATCH aims at the development of an autonomous multi-robot system for ecological monitoring of riverine...
[Last edited
Nov 20, 2013