INSEWING - Development of a robotic manipulator of human tubular tissues for suture and support in anastomosis surgery interventions The aim of the INSEWING project is to develop a...
[Last edited
Oct 8, 2012
ODEUO - Inner Oscillation Detection and Evaluation of Unknown test Objects The ODEUO experiment aims to take what is a relatively simple job for humans, ie. the detection of spare or...
[Last edited
Oct 16, 2012
MONROE - Hyper-Modular Open Networked RObot systems with Excellent performance Robots so far suffer from several up to now necessary trade-offs that result in:
- Stiff robots are heavy...
[Last edited
Sep 10, 2013
RODIN - Robust control of human-robot-environment dynamic interaction for natural stone carving Stone carving is one of the oldest representational arts....
[Last edited
Nov 19, 2013
InterAID - Interactive Mobile Manipulators for Advanced Industrial Diagnostics The main goal of InterAID is to demonstrate the feasibility of applying mobile robots with manipulation...
[Last edited
Jun 29, 2012
ContainerBot - Stochastic impact-triggered mobile manipulation for fast cycle time unloading of variable-sized boxes from unordered piles The ContainerBot experiment looks at new ways...
[Last edited
Jul 26, 2012
TRAFCON -Traffic Control of AGVs in Automatic Warehouses Since their introduction in the 1950s, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) have been being used more and more in manufacturing...
[Last edited
Sep 13, 2012
TESBE - Technologies for Efficient and Safe Body Extenders Body Extenders are an emerging class of advanced robots that can be worn by human operators to dramatically increase...
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Oct 1, 2012
HUBRINA - HUman-roBot co-woRking IN Agricultural master-slave systems A master-slave robot control for agricultural activities will be developed and its feasibility demonstrated in...
[Last edited
Oct 2, 2012
JILAS - Jig-Less Airplane Assembly in low volume production by enhanced human robot interaction JILAS focuses on “human-robot interfacing and safety”. The core of the JILAS experiment...
[Last edited
Oct 2, 2012