BABIR - A better audition for a better interaction with humanoid robot A robot has to offer an efficient and intuitive interaction with the user in order to be considered as an...
[Last edited
Nov 29, 2012
GISA - Little Helper Plus: Gesture Based Instruction of Safe Mobile Robot Arm The GISA experiment aims to provide information about the consequences and effects of using mobile robot...
[Last edited
Dec 10, 2012
GRASPY - Stereo Vision For Grasping by Humanoid Robot The personal robotics market will be a major industry in the 21st century. In order to integrate robots in our everyday life,...
dimRob - Robotics on construction site - dimensional tolerance handling The dimRob experiment aims to examine and demonstrate strategies for handling imprecision and tolerances in...
[Last edited
Dec 18, 2012
flexprass - Flexible Precision Assembly with Mobile Robots The integration of human workers and their creativity with mechanical precision allows the efficient production of high-tech...
[Last edited
Mar 4, 2013
MAAT - Multimodal interfaces to improve therApeutic outcomes in robot-Assisted rehabiliTation The MAAT project aims at developing a new robotic system for the administration of highly...
[Last edited
Apr 18, 2013
ASTROMOBILE - Assistive SmarT RObotic platform for indoor environments: MOBILity and intEraction The ASTROMOBILE project aims to develop and demonstrate that a smart robotic mobile...
BRACOG - Brain-Controlled Grasping Every year, strokes and traumatic injuries cause severe motor handicaps in more than 15 million people worldwide (Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke,...
[Last edited
May 21, 2013
FIDELIO - FIxtureless DEburring of wheeLs by human demonstratIOn Modern industrial robots are complex and powerful machines, able to execute a variety of different tasks with high...
[Last edited
May 23, 2013
EASYPRO - Accurate Manual Guided robot programming While static robot programs may be sufficient for high volume part manufacturers, they are not adequate in one-off or small-batch...
[Last edited
Jun 6, 2013