The experiment is going on. The robot navigates autonomously within the spray booth avoiding obstacles. The operator is able to remotely monitor robot operations. The human operator painting process has been analyzed and acquired and we are studying the human arm movements. The spray gun manipulation tool is under development.
[Last edited
Oct 24, 2011
During the last two months we have been performing further experiments to evaluate our priority adjustment methods. Further work was also done on our dynamic simulation methods.
1) Experiments with suction cup setup: We have performed extensive experiments with a suction cup setup. Initially we performed a baseline with...
[Last edited
Apr 11, 2012
ContainerBot - Stochastic impact-triggered mobile manipulation for fast cycle time unloading of variable-sized boxes from unordered piles The ContainerBot experiment looks at new ways...
[Last edited
Jul 26, 2012
TRAFCON -Traffic Control of AGVs in Automatic Warehouses Since their introduction in the 1950s, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) have been being used more and more in manufacturing...
[Last edited
Sep 13, 2012
ALEXA - An advanced light-weight robot arm for flexible and mobile applications in hyper-flexible cells The ALEXA experiment will test the capabilities of a new lightweight...
[Last edited
Oct 5, 2012
HYROPA - Hyper-flexible robot cells using reconfigurable passive kinematics In the HYROPA the use of reconfigurable passive articulated arms will be examined, in order to enable the...
[Last edited
Oct 5, 2012
ActReMa - Active Recognition and Manipulation of Simple Parts Exploiting 3D Information In the ActReMa experiment, the University of Bonn and Metronom Automation GmbH investigate a...
[Last edited
Nov 16, 2012
EXECELL - Experimental Evaluation of Advanced Sensor-Based Supervision and Work Cell Integration Strategies Robots currently used in industrial applications are located behind fences...
[Last edited
Nov 16, 2012
EASYPRO - Accurate Manual Guided robot programming While static robot programs may be sufficient for high volume part manufacturers, they are not adequate in one-off or small-batch...
[Last edited
Jun 6, 2013
GOP - Generating optimal paths for industrial and humanoid robots in complex environments The generation of the best possible path that does not violate any constraints imposed by...
[Last edited
Jun 25, 2013