InterAID - Interactive Mobile Manipulators for Advanced Industrial Diagnostics The main goal of InterAID is to demonstrate the feasibility of applying mobile robots with manipulation...
[Last edited
Jun 29, 2012
HUBRINA - HUman-roBot co-woRking IN Agricultural master-slave systems A master-slave robot control for agricultural activities will be developed and its feasibility demonstrated in...
[Last edited
Oct 2, 2012
JILAS - Jig-Less Airplane Assembly in low volume production by enhanced human robot interaction JILAS focuses on “human-robot interfacing and safety”. The core of the JILAS experiment...
[Last edited
Oct 2, 2012
ActReMa - Active Recognition and Manipulation of Simple Parts Exploiting 3D Information In the ActReMa experiment, the University of Bonn and Metronom Automation GmbH investigate a...
[Last edited
Nov 16, 2012
GISA - Little Helper Plus: Gesture Based Instruction of Safe Mobile Robot Arm The GISA experiment aims to provide information about the consequences and effects of using mobile robot...
[Last edited
Dec 10, 2012
GRASPY - Stereo Vision For Grasping by Humanoid Robot The personal robotics market will be a major industry in the 21st century. In order to integrate robots in our everyday life,...
dimRob - Robotics on construction site - dimensional tolerance handling The dimRob experiment aims to examine and demonstrate strategies for handling imprecision and tolerances in...
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Dec 18, 2012
BRACOG - Brain-Controlled Grasping Every year, strokes and traumatic injuries cause severe motor handicaps in more than 15 million people worldwide (Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke,...
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May 21, 2013
GOP - Generating optimal paths for industrial and humanoid robots in complex environments The generation of the best possible path that does not violate any constraints imposed by...
[Last edited
Jun 25, 2013
SprayBot - a Robotic Spray Booth for the Automatic Painting of Bodyworks Current body shops offer repairing and painting services for damaged cars/bikes. For this purpose, they boast...
[Last edited
Jun 25, 2013