BABIR - A better audition for a better interaction with humanoid robot A robot has to offer an efficient and intuitive interaction with the user in order to be considered as an...
[Last edited
Nov 29, 2012
MAAT - Multimodal interfaces to improve therApeutic outcomes in robot-Assisted rehabiliTation The MAAT project aims at developing a new robotic system for the administration of highly...
[Last edited
Apr 18, 2013
FIDELIO - FIxtureless DEburring of wheeLs by human demonstratIOn Modern industrial robots are complex and powerful machines, able to execute a variety of different tasks with high...
[Last edited
May 23, 2013
EASYPRO - Accurate Manual Guided robot programming While static robot programs may be sufficient for high volume part manufacturers, they are not adequate in one-off or small-batch...
[Last edited
Jun 6, 2013
PRADA - Parallel Robot with Adaptive Dynamic Accuracy Following ECHORD philosophy, the PRADA project aims at targeting one scenario – hyperflexible cells – and focuses on complex...
[Last edited
Jul 16, 2013
SPEAKY - SPEAKY for Robots SPEAKY for Robots (S4R) aims at fostering the definition and deployment of voice user interfaces (VUIs) in robotic applications where human-robot interaction...
[Last edited
Oct 17, 2013
REMAV - Remote eye for micro aerial vehicles The main goal of REMAV is to demonstrate the possibility to precisely and safely operate Micro Aerial Vehicles (small autonomous helicopters)...
[Last edited
Nov 5, 2013