Fifth ECHORD public summary. Project C-Kompai During February and March 2012 we have created of a document describing the capabilities and behavior of the Kompai robot before and after the C-Brain of Cognitive Robots is being installed. The enhanced capabilities are added to the original Kompai GUI with three buttons...
Walk-through programming
The programming mode has been realised through a set of admittance controllers. It must be noticed that the tests reaveal that the classical implementation of the walk-through programming mode does not allow for motion in contact with a surface. It turns out that realising the walk-through...
[Last edited
Apr 15, 2012
Walk-through programming
The problem of walk-through programming in contact with an hard surface is still under studying.
The main concerns are related to the implementation of a robust algorithm to detect the contact and estimate the normal to the surface. Wheel localisation and burr analysis
To localise the wheel a...
[Last edited
Jul 8, 2012
Contour following and profile estimation Three different experiments have been performed to test the contour following algorithm. The first one concerns the measurement of a linear profile with an artificial burr (Figs. 1-2). Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 The two other experiments show the performance of the contour following system...
[Last edited
Dec 29, 2012
Study results In the last two months our main focus was on analyzing the data that we collected with our FlexIRob system during the user study on physical human robot interaction at Harting. We were able to evaluate the questionnaire and got first insights about the perception of our system by potential co-workers....
[Last edited
Jun 29, 2012
Taks 7: System testing Within our last experiment steps we evaluated and optimized the entire robot system. In the first step we examined the object recognition and position estimation of Camera A. The camera configuration and image processing were improved until the derivation did not left a range of ±50mm. In the next step...
[Last edited
Aug 27, 2012
As part of our dissemination activities we organized the Workshop “Technology Monitoring: Robotics today and tomorrow – Technology towards Assistive Automation”. It was part of the OWL MASCHINENBAU Academy. OWL MASCHINENBAU is a network of innovation targeting to strengthen the economic and technological power of the regional...
[Last edited
Aug 30, 2012
The activities of the last two months are two-folded. We further consolidated our results from the user study at Harting and proceeded with the integration of perception in the FlexIRob-Setup.
Our submission "A User Study on Kinesthetic Teaching and Learning for Efficient Reconfiguration of Redundant Robot" is now finally...
[Last edited
Dec 21, 2012
Our biggest event in the last two months was the preparation and realization of our exhibition an the Hannover fair (08.04. - 12.04.2013). We presented our enhanced FlexIRob system as it was evaluated in our user study with workers at Harting. In particular, we presented the fast configuration of the Kuka LWR IV to a confined...
[Last edited
Apr 26, 2013
The project started on 2012-02-01 and a Kickoff meeting was held on 2012-02-16 in Berlin. We have discussed the first requirements for our experiment including appropriate room industrial robot measurement equipment mechanical tool interface power tools and workpieces. Now we work on the motion and force requirements of the...
[Last edited
Mar 2, 2012