Public Summary Month 3/2012

Walk-through programming
The programming mode has been realised through a set of admittance controllers.

It must be noticed that the tests reaveal that the classical implementation of the walk-through programming mode does not allow for motion in contact with a surface. It turns out that realising the walk-through programming in contact with a hard surface (with a single force/torque sensor) is a quite challenging operation, but it is also uf upmost importance not only for this project but, for example, in many surgical robotics applications. We are still studying this problem.

Wheel localisation and burr analysis
A set of specifications for the two camera systems (one for wheel localisation, the other one for burr analysis) has been identified. Within the end of the month two cameras and a laser stripe will be available for thesting the image processing algorithms.

Some mechanical devices that can artificially mimic a contour with a burr have been also sketched and will be soon realised (see the picture below).