During the last two months the consortium has been performing first real world experiments and further work on our simulation and learning methods has been performed. 1) After further preparations for the real world experiments in the SCAPE 2-finger setup were accomplished we performed a larger batch of real world...
[Last edited
Dec 13, 2011
During the last two months the consortium has been performing further real world experiments with the first application of learning methods. Further work on our simulations and evaluations of those has been performed. 1) A new sampling strategy was developed and implemented. We used the new method to do an analysis for the...
[Last edited
Feb 27, 2012
The project started on 2012-02-01 and a Kickoff meeting was held on 2012-02-16 in Berlin. We have discussed the first requirements for our experiment including appropriate room industrial robot measurement equipment mechanical tool interface power tools and workpieces. Now we work on the motion and force requirements of the...
[Last edited
Mar 2, 2012
ODEUO - Inner Oscillation Detection and Evaluation of Unknown test Objects The ODEUO experiment aims to take what is a relatively simple job for humans, ie. the detection of spare or...
[Last edited
Oct 16, 2012
MONROE - Hyper-Modular Open Networked RObot systems with Excellent performance Robots so far suffer from several up to now necessary trade-offs that result in:
- Stiff robots are heavy...
[Last edited
Sep 10, 2013
RODIN - Robust control of human-robot-environment dynamic interaction for natural stone carving Stone carving is one of the oldest representational arts....
[Last edited
Nov 19, 2013
InterAID - Interactive Mobile Manipulators for Advanced Industrial Diagnostics The main goal of InterAID is to demonstrate the feasibility of applying mobile robots with manipulation...
[Last edited
Jun 29, 2012
ContainerBot - Stochastic impact-triggered mobile manipulation for fast cycle time unloading of variable-sized boxes from unordered piles The ContainerBot experiment looks at new ways...
[Last edited
Jul 26, 2012
TRAFCON -Traffic Control of AGVs in Automatic Warehouses Since their introduction in the 1950s, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) have been being used more and more in manufacturing...
[Last edited
Sep 13, 2012