The scientific activities carried out during the last two months (M7-M8) can be summarized as follows: Identification and implementation of the technique, suitable for MAAT project purposes, able to reconstruct human arm kinematics. It relies on the joint use of 2 magneto-inertial sensors located on the patient arm and...
[Last edited
Sep 1, 2011
Fifth ECHORD public summary. Project C-Kompai During February and March 2012 we have created of a document describing the capabilities and behavior of the Kompai robot before and after the C-Brain of Cognitive Robots is being installed. The enhanced capabilities are added to the original Kompai GUI with three buttons...
The JILAS experiment has been chosen to be shown at the fair "Automatica 2012" in Munich. At the ECHORD booth a robot supported assembly of airplane components can partly be performed by the visitors.
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Apr 16, 2012
In the PsyIntEC project experiments on 70 participants have been conducted and data from ECG, eight EEG channels, EMG zygomatic, EMG corrugator and GSR sensors have been analyzed. The main purpose of the analysis was to detect any differences in psychophysiological measurements between completing the reference task with or...
[Last edited
May 10, 2013
Walk-through programming
The programming mode has been realised through a set of admittance controllers. It must be noticed that the tests reaveal that the classical implementation of the walk-through programming mode does not allow for motion in contact with a surface. It turns out that realising the walk-through...
[Last edited
Apr 15, 2012
Walk-through programming
The problem of walk-through programming in contact with an hard surface is still under studying.
The main concerns are related to the implementation of a robust algorithm to detect the contact and estimate the normal to the surface. Wheel localisation and burr analysis
To localise the wheel a...
[Last edited
Jul 8, 2012
Contour following and profile estimation Three different experiments have been performed to test the contour following algorithm. The first one concerns the measurement of a linear profile with an artificial burr (Figs. 1-2). Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 The two other experiments show the performance of the contour following system...
[Last edited
Dec 29, 2012