Aug 2, 2012 , by
Public Summary Month 18
- Design and development of a bio-cooperative controller:
- Two different interaction control laws were developed.
- The immersive virtual reality system was completed, with adjustable level of task difficulty.
- The module for the online modulation of the interaction control and the immersive virtual reality system was implemented.
- Hardware and software integration: Two MAAT prototypes were assembled (at UCBM and UMH, respectively) and preliminary experimental tests were carried out.
- Experimental validation is being carried out on healthy subjects. Also preliminary validation tests on post-stroke subjects are being carried out.
- Dissemination activities have been promoted by means of publications.
Apr 13, 2012 , by
Public Summary Month 16/2012 (March 2012)
- Delivery of the documents for the Ethical Committee approval.
- In order to update robot behaviour according to the patient state, two main control strategies have been evaluated by the partners.
- Integration and synchronization of the equipment for the simultaneous acquisition of the monitoring systems and the online processing of the collected data.
- A meeting will take place in April at UMH, in order to verify the correct functioning mode of each subsystem of the multimodal interface and integrate them.
- Dissemination activities have been promoted by means of the publications.
Apr 13, 2012 , by
Public Summary Month 14/2012 (January)
The activities carried out during the last months are summarized as follows:
- Validation tests execution of the final version of the method for reconstructing the upper limb kinematics.
- Adaptation of fuzzy logic rules to therapies assisted by a 7 dof robotic device based on PRL modules
- More experiments have been carried out to validate the multimodal robot-assisted rehabilitation system.
- Reliability and stability trials for testing the impedance control embedded on KUKA Light Weight Robot
- A 3D model of the upper extremity has been included in the virtual reality software.
- A plenary meeting of MAAT team will take place from 6th to 10th February.
Dec 21, 2011 , by
Public Summary Month 12/2011
The activities carried out during the last months are summarized as follows:
- Validation tests of two methods for upper limb kinematics reconstruction are being carried out.
- Adaptive algorithms for intelligent machine learning are the basis for our multimodal rehabilitation system that automatically adapts the delivered therapy to the specific needs and demands of the patient.
- Multimodal feedback modalities (visual, acoustic, haptic and vibrotactile feedback) has been implemented in the multimodal robot-assisted rehabilitation system.
- UCBM is currently implementing on LWR the submovement-based control approach.
- A virtual reality software has been developed with adjustable level of task difficulty that can be adjusted as a function of the evolution of the subject.
- A plenary meeting of MAAT team is being planned for January 2012.
Sep 19, 2011 , by
Public Summary Month 9/2011
The activities carried out during the last month are summarized as follows:
- Finalization and validation tests planning of the upper limb kinematics reconstruction algorithm.
- Testing algorithms to analyze physiological state using the information provided by the measurement of human bio-signals during the execution of virtual activities of daily living (ADL) assisted by a robotic device.
- Finalization and validation of the vibrotactile stimulation system.
- Implementation of the submovement-based control strategy on the MIT-Manus robot at UCBM.
- Implementation of autoadaptive and immersive virtual reality system.