The EXECELL project started with a kick-off meeting of both participants, KUKA and Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (IFF), at the IFF in Magdeburg. The meeting was used to clarify and define the technical specifications and interface definitions of the system, which are currently being further...
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Aug 9, 2011
The activities carried out during the last month are summarized as follows: - Finalization and validation tests planning of the upper limb kinematics reconstruction algorithm. - Testing algorithms to analyze physiological state using the information provided by the measurement of human bio-signals during the...
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Sep 19, 2011
The ASTRO robot is becoming to have the designed appearence and is going to be ready to be integrated in a context of robotic service. The designed covers are ready to be assembled with the appropriate tools that enhance the functionalities of the robot. Also the graphical user interfaces with natural language interaction are...
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Oct 5, 2011
In the current reporting period we finished Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3. So, regarding to Task 1, we developed a concept for integration of sensor-system and the KUKA LWR wherein we have focused on communication and software interfaces. We have described a concept of an experimental technical framework, analyzed available...
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Oct 13, 2011
2D ultrasound in freehand and manipulated by a robotic arm has been tested. Rigid registration algorithms have been tested, and are now being optimized for usage in real time. Variable Impedance Control Design A virtual compliant environment around the femoral head has been implemented. Tests with the native impedance...
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Sep 3, 2012
The main work done within the last pariod (October-November) to the extension of the teleoperation framework to the scenario of wall-following. The UAV should be operated laterally along a wall with constant distance and orientation to it at a constant altitude. In this scheme, the movement along the wall is controlled in...
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Dec 21, 2012
During April-May 2013, initial integration of the US system and Robotic system was performed. We received the latest version of the KUKA LWR, and are arranging to send the previous one back for replacement/repairs. After setting up the new robot, tests were performed on an artificial bone as seen in the photo. The 2D US probe...
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Jul 2, 2013
The scientific activities carried out during the last two months (M7-M8) can be summarized as follows: Identification and implementation of the technique, suitable for MAAT project purposes, able to reconstruct human arm kinematics. It relies on the joint use of 2 magneto-inertial sensors located on the patient arm and...
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Sep 1, 2011
This proposal is to carry out the application study in experiment of using dexterous robot hands for deboning operation which is laborious and less safe for human operators as a pioneering study of establishing a hyper-flexible work cell for cutting, deboning and muscle extraction operation in meat industry. The proposed...
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Sep 30, 2011
Experiment started in November still pending the signature of the contract. Activities have focussed on the analysis and initial steps in the design. Speciifcally: Robotic Domain Definition and Representation and Robotic Voice Development Kit Design The main steps accomplished in task 1 are the implementation of a...
[Last edited
Dec 29, 2011