Public Summary Month 5/2012

The software architecture of ASTRO and its integration in the smart environment with all defined functionalities was concluded. Now ASTRO is ready for the experimental setup with real elderly people, that will be performed in the last month.

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Public Summary Month 3/2012

In these months ASTROMOBILE progressed in: Task1 integrating three WSNs for the localization, Task2 progressing the navigation thanks to the use of robot odometry, Task3 refining ASTRO video and speech interfaces in relations to the project scenarios and tests, and Task4 integrating all current solutions of Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3 to carry out a preliminary experimentation from March 19, 2012 to March 23, 2012.

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Public Summary Month 1/2012

The main Scientific and Research aspects, related to navigation, localization and interaction, were faced to improve the behavior of ASTRO and to prepare it for the final integration, that will take place in March.

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Public Summary Month 11/2011

The ASTRO robot was assembled in its definitive appearance for experimentation with users and it is now usable in tele-operated mode to provide remote assistance at home. Also the final development of the touch screen GUI and communication interface was performed (



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Public Summary Month 09/2011

The ASTRO robot is becoming to have the designed appearence and is going to be ready to be integrated in a context of robotic service. The designed covers are ready to be assembled with the appropriate tools that enhance the functionalities of the robot. Also the graphical user interfaces with natural language interaction are further adapted to the ASTROMOBILE scenarios.