Within the last two months we have focused on integration and evaluation which took place at office and lab environments and at the SCHUNK production facilities. Within the onging integration we were able to fix many of the open technical issues. Besides the developed mobile manipulator itself the main results are:
[Last edited
Apr 18, 2012
The past two months saw further investigation and first result of the graphical programming system for intuitively creating robot applications in mobile manipulation. The necessary infrastructure for running the graphically created robot application has been further developed, together with the building blocks (like 3D...
[Last edited
Dec 3, 2012
Task 1 is devoted to the formalization of a real-world traffic control problem for AGVs circulating in an automatic warehouse and on the development of an efficient coordination strategy. In the first months of TRAFCON the traffic control problem has been mathematically formalized and the requirements that need to be...
[Last edited
Jan 26, 2011
The first goal of this experiment is the design and assembly of an improved prototype of a mobile manipulation robot for diagnosis tasks. During the first four months of the project, Task 1 and Task 2 started and the following results have been achieved. Task 1: Prototype integration After the definition of the requirements...
[Last edited
Jan 31, 2011
The last two months of Task 1 have been devoted to the development of a coordination strategy for efficiently solving the coordination problem in a realistic setting. The coordination of the AGVs and the constraints due to the control architecture of Elettric80 have been represented using extended coordination diagrams. In...
[Last edited
Mar 31, 2011
Task 1: Prototype integration Activities performed: Electrical modification on the mobile platform Re-design and realization of mechanical supports for the measurement and 3D sensors Mounting of 3D sensors and robotic arm on the mobile platform Mounting of 7DOF robotic arm on the mobile platform Task 2:...
[Last edited
May 24, 2011
In order to implement an effective (re-)planning strategy for the AGVs, in the last two months a measure of efficiency has been implemented. Given a set of paths for the vehicles, this measure evaluates the efficiency both in terms of the traffic that can be generated and in terms of the lengths of the paths: the lower the...
[Last edited
May 31, 2011
Task 2: Implementation and integration of adaptive arm and platform controllers Activities performed: Navigation considering environment modeling completed: 3D sensors are used to detect obstacles in the driving direction of the mobile platform; if an obstacle is inside the safety distance the navigation control stops the...
[Last edited
Jun 23, 2011
$[media()$ Echord_InterAID_06-2011.wmv $media]$
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Jun 27, 2011
Task 2: Implementation and integration of adaptive arm and platform controllers Activities performed: Improvement of the mobile platform collision avoidance system using Kinect 3D sensors. Integration of the arm controller on the prototype and implementation of pressing button and turning knob actions on a real washing...
[Last edited
Jul 26, 2011