Nov 28, 2011 , by
Public Summary Month 11/2011
Project C-Kompai
Second ECHORD public summary. Months of October-November
In these two months of development of the project (October and November 2011), a big improvement has taken place: the simulator for the Kompai platform, which includes the C-Brain structure, has been developed and it is now in the Cognitive Robots site. With the simulator the Cognitive Robots’ team can test all the software developed so far for the project, without the need of the physical platform in our possession. The kinect sensor adaptation to the Kompai platform has been developed at Cognitive Robots and it is ready to be installed. Robosoft is now working with the last physical feature to be added to the platform for this project: the vacuum cleaner.
Beside the development and testing of the kinect sensor integrated with the rest of the cognitive brain, several other software components of the cognitive brain have continued been developed, in particular, those related with object and scene recognition and comparison, spatial decision maker; and global path planner. And the most important fact - they are being tested in the extended Kompai simulator so that the adaptation of the software is being very efficient.