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In March and April, the work focused on the important task of human pose recognition based on an ICP[1] approach, and the environment modeling, done with the OpenGL framework. To improve the results of the ICP approach, a second method[2] will be incorporated in the estimation process. Therefore, a rendering pipeline has been...
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May 7, 2012
In January and February most of the work was put into the implementation of essential elements from the cognitive system, like the core software framework and the optical flow estimation module. The structure of the core framework strictly implements the idea of modular system design. Essential modules were programmed,...
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May 4, 2012
The work in 2011 was focused on defining requirements and characterizing components of the system,which will be used to carry out the experiments. In cooperation with our partners, Reis Robotics and KUKA, the experiments were discussed. As our partners are developers and manufacturers in the field of industrial robotics,...
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Jan 27, 2012
In July and August the work was focused on the completion of task 2 and task 3. At the end of August a meeting with our partners KUKA and Reis was held at the IPR[1], where the results of task 2 and 3 were presented. Also their role in the upcoming tasks 4 and 5 were discussed and defined. For the completion of the tasks 2...
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Sep 14, 2012
In November and December the focus lay on tasks 4 and 5 for the IPR, in which gesture and action recognition and path planning was to be incorporated into the framework. For task 4, the conceptual design of the gesture based interaction was determined and two gesture classes were identified. In task 5 especially the path...
[Last edited
Jan 29, 2013
In May and June the work was focused on the training of the classifier for the body part detection, and the build-up of the multi-camera setup including the implementation of the calibration and registration step. Unfortunately the training of the classifier did not deliver the expected results, so that the existing approach...
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Aug 24, 2012
In September and October 2012, the work was focused on gesture and action recognition. So far, it is based on Description Logics (DLs) which uses a taxonomy about actions, activities and gestures as a knowledge base. Recognition results are inferred directly by providing assertional knowledge which state information about...
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Nov 22, 2012
In the last two months we have concentrated on the integration of a 3D Vision sensor into the FlexIRob scenario and the implementation of a detection of dynamic obstacles in the workspace of the robot arm.
First, a calibration of the sensor (here, Kinect camera) and the robot arm is realized by using the end effector...
[Last edited
Feb 26, 2013