Public Summary Month 2/2011

The MAAT project aims at developing a new robotic system for the administration of highly sophisticated therapy to stroke patients able to (i) maximise patient motivation and involvement in the therapy and (ii) continuously assess the progress of the recovery from the functional and neurological viewpoint, with special attention to the issue of safety in human-robot interaction. The main novelty of the MAAT approach is to close patient in the loop and use multi-sensory data (such as motion, forces, voice, muscle activity, heart rate, skin conductance etc.) to adaptively and dynamically change complexity of the therapy and real-time displays of an immersive virtual reality system in accordance with specific patient requirements.

During the first three months of the project, the following activities have been carried out by UCBM and UMH:

1- Coordination and Management

Activities of coordination and management have been carried out since project beginning. They also include ethical issues management because of the project purpose of monitoring subjects behavioral and physiological data. To this regard subject information sheet and informed consent have been prepared.

2- Scientific activities

2.1- In order to indentify the equipment for monitoring patient behavioral and physiological state, a state of the art on this topic has been carried out.

2.2- Data processing techniques for analyzing patient kinematic and dynamic parameters have been carried out exploiting MIT-Manus robot and 2 magneto-inertial sensors (XSense MTx), available at UCBM, placed on upper limb. Preliminary experimental results can be found in (Zollo et al, 2010), (Zollo et al, 2011).

2.3- The activities described in Sub-Tasks 2.4 and 2.5 started correctly at month two. The analysis of the state-of-the-art in the evaluation of patient’s intention and physiological state has been reported. Based on the information analyzed about evaluation of patient’s intention and physiological state, a ser of target devices has been identified like: ECG electrodes, Electrodermal response (GSR), Respiration, Blood pressure, Skin temperature, Pulse, EMG sensors. Patients using a rehabilitation robot might need additional extrinsic feedback to stay informed about limb position, collision, contact with items in virtual environments, etc. Vibration, temperature and skin-stretch stimulation are intuitive ways to provide extrinsic feedback related to limb position and collisions/contact

2.4- In the framework of Sub-Task 3.1 UCBM started working on the interaction control system for the LWR that was planned to be purchased from KUKA Roboter Italia at the beginning of MAAT experiment. Due to the delay in the first ECHORD payment, activities on this issue are being carried out through the exchange of information and technical manual with the robot manufacturer. In this framework, UMH is finishing the development of the rehabilitation robot based on Schunk PRL modules. In parallel, it is developing the libraries for low level control of the robot and a simulation environment to test the control algorithms.

2.5- The main goal of the Sub-Task 3.2 is the development of an immersive virtual reality system that will be dynamically modified according to the patient’s physiological reactions to the given robotic therapy in order to maximize the patient’s motivation and the therapy outcomes. The stimulation systems described in Sub-Task 2.5 is being integrated with the virtual reality (VR) system developed in this task in order to stimulate the patient in a similar way that a therapist would do it (Morales et al, 2010).


2.6- Finally a public web site of the experiment ( has been developed at the beginning of the project.
(Zollo et al, 2010) Zollo L, Gallotta E, Guglielmelli E, Sterzi S. Robotic technologies and rehabilitation: new tools for upper-limb therapy and assessment in chronic stroke. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010, in press.

(Morales et al, 2010) Morales, R.;   Badesa, F.J.;   Domenech, L.M.;   Garcia-Aracil, N.;   Sabater, J.M.;   Menchón, M.;   Fernandez, E.; Design and control of a rehabilitation robot driven by pneumatic swivel modules  Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), 2010 3rd IEEE RAS and EMBS International Conference on,  26-29 Sept. 2010

(Zollo et al, 2011) Zollo L, Accoto D, Sterzi S, Guglielmelli E. Rehabilitation Robotics, Therapeutic Robotics. Springer Handbook of Medical Technology, K. Rüdiger, K.-P. Hoffmann, R.S. Pozos, (Eds.), Chap. 44, 2011 (ISBN: 978-3-540-74657-7).

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