In this step of the experiment conception, the robot control design took place. There is now a robot control architecture with an extended impedance controller and an open communication interface to the industrial robot control box. Further the safety system has beeing integrated into the robot control and the experiment...
[Last edited
Aug 24, 2012
In January and February, the work was focused on the development of probabilistic methods for the gesture based human robot interaction (tasks 4), and the task planning and task dependent adaption of robot motion planning (task 5). Also the deliverables 2.1 and 2.2 were completed.
For the hand gesture analysis, a...
[Last edited
Apr 2, 2013
In March and April, the work was focused on the further development of the command gesture approach and the task planning module. Also, the ideas for the robust command gesture classification were submitted as a paper at a workshop at the Robotics: Science and Systems conference in Berlin.
The previous command...
[Last edited
Aug 2, 2013
In May and June, the work was focused on the design and implementation of a movement gesture concept and corresponding task planning developments. Moreover an object recognition scheme was implemented for seamless gesture based object selection.
Also, the ideas for the two stage gesture classification approach...
[Last edited
Aug 2, 2013
Study results In the last two months our main focus was on analyzing the data that we collected with our FlexIRob system during the user study on physical human robot interaction at Harting. We were able to evaluate the questionnaire and got first insights about the perception of our system by potential co-workers....
[Last edited
Jun 29, 2012
In May and June the work was focused on the training of the classifier for the body part detection, and the build-up of the multi-camera setup including the implementation of the calibration and registration step. Unfortunately the training of the classifier did not deliver the expected results, so that the existing approach...
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Aug 24, 2012
As part of our dissemination activities we organized the Workshop “Technology Monitoring: Robotics today and tomorrow – Technology towards Assistive Automation”. It was part of the OWL MASCHINENBAU Academy. OWL MASCHINENBAU is a network of innovation targeting to strengthen the economic and technological power of the regional...
[Last edited
Aug 30, 2012
In the last reporting period, the project is developing from experiment conception and architecture design into the installation of the experiment prototype system. We have collected most of the equipment offers and are now initiating the orders. Due to the late official accession, orders are a bit behind the plan. We have...
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Oct 15, 2012
In September and October 2012, the work was focused on gesture and action recognition. So far, it is based on Description Logics (DLs) which uses a taxonomy about actions, activities and gestures as a knowledge base. Recognition results are inferred directly by providing assertional knowledge which state information about...
[Last edited
Nov 22, 2012
The activities of the last two months are two-folded. We further consolidated our results from the user study at Harting and proceeded with the integration of perception in the FlexIRob-Setup.
Our submission "A User Study on Kinesthetic Teaching and Learning for Efficient Reconfiguration of Redundant Robot" is now finally...
[Last edited
Dec 21, 2012