Public Summary Month 4/2013

In the last part of the experiment, our activities have focused on the testing and validation of the prototypes implemented and on dissemination activities.


UNIRM1 has developed an innovative Web-based corpus collection infrastructure, in order to attract a very large community. This initiative has been announced to the RoboCup@Home community, and the output of this collection will be an extensive corpus for human-robot interaction within home environments, that will be published for the whole robotic community and for RoboCup competitions.

A second major activity of this month has been a set of usability study conducted within a real home environment, to evaluate the whole speech system with twelve English native tongue speakers. The results of the experiment are currently being analysed.

In addition UNIRM1 and MV have cooperated to the evaluation of the wizard developed by MV with the second scheduled demonstrator: surveillance.


Finally, demonstrations of the Speaky 4 Robots experiment have been presented at “Robots on Tour” (Zurich, March 9th) and at “RomeCup 2013” (March 23rd, Rome) by UNIRM1. UNIRM1 and MV are both committed in disseminating the outcomes of the Speaky for Robots project in the next months.

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