Public Summary Month 8/2013

The last experiment session of PsyIntEC is completed on ten participants. In the experiment three reference tasks (Towers of Hanoi) were used. In two of the tasks a robot arm was working alone in parallell with the human co-worker and the other robot arm. When the human co-worker has made a move on the third task (collaboration task), one of the robot arms made a move on the collaboration task. Which arm to use was selected as the first arm that has completed a move on their own task, and therefore different robot arms collaborate with the human co-worker on each move. Each partitipant completed two conditions of the experiment; one with adaptive robot behavior and one without. Half of the participants started without adaption, and the other half with adaption. 


The adaptive robot behavior reads sensor values from the ECG, EMG, GSR and EEG sensors every 15:th second. A time window of the last 15 seconds is then analyzed. If the participant experiences negative valence (increased EMG corrugator activity) and is aroused (increased ECG, GSR and EEG activity) the robot behavior is adapted by lowering the speed of both robot arms. If the participant experiences positive valence (increased EMG zygomatic activity) the speed of the robot arms is increased. The speed change is discrete with three steps; low, medium and high. The activity of each sensor is compared to a baseline activity. The baseline is continously updated to cover for human co-workers adapting to the task and thus their baseline is changed.


The idea is that human co-workers will feel less negative stress if robot behavior is adapted to their psychphysiological responses. The data from the recordings will be analyzed during the last two weeks of the PsyIntEC experiment.


The initial results from ten participants show that adaption can have effect on emotional response. We did however see both an increase in positive and negative valence for the adaptive compared to the static version, with small or no changes in arousal.

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