3rd Call for Experiment Proposals - Submission

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The deadline for submission was October 1st, 2010 17:00 Brussels time.

Based on a decision by the European Commission, legal entities (e.g. research institutions, universities or companies) acceding to the ECHORD Grant Agreement related to Call 1 cannot participate in this Call, i.e., organisations which were successful in Call 1 are not allowed to submit proposals. Even in case of large organisations, such as Fraunhofer, CNR or CNRS, this means that not any other institute from these organisations can apply for funding in the 3rd Call if there were successful proposals in the first Call by any institute of that organisation.

Legal entities succesful in call 2 which have not acceded to the Grand agreement yet are entitled to particupate in this call.


Instructions for Submission

For submission of a complete proposal the following steps are required:


1. General information: To begin with the proposal submission please follow the link provided in the box to the right . Proposal title, acronym, experiment type, scenario, research focus etc. have to be entered. The information of the experiment partners can be filled in on step 5.


2. Equipment: The equipment intended to be used for the experiment has to be specified here. The list of available equipment can be found here.


3. Ethical issues: A questionaire about ethical issues has to be filled in.


4. Upload proposal document:  The template for the experiment proposal can be from the box to the right. To upload the filled in proposal template, please press the button "New Attachment" in the section "Documents" of the experiment proposal overview page.

Then browse for the proposal document and press the button "save" at the bottom of the page. No tags need to be entered.


5. Partners: After completion of step 4 you will be redirected to the proposal overview page. Click on "Add Partner" and fill in all required information. This step needs to be repeated for every partner.


Proposal completion: Once you have completed all five steps the submission process is finished, a confirmation email will be sent after the deadline of the experiment call.

The proposal submission can be resumed at a later point in time in case not all required information is available yet.  After the deadline the submission will be closed, changes will be no longer possible.

If you have any questions or if you need any help please feel free to contact us.