In this step of the experiment conception, the robot control design took place. There is now a robot control architecture with an extended impedance controller and an open communication interface to the industrial robot control box. Further the safety system has beeing integrated into the robot control and the experiment...
[Last edited
Aug 24, 2012
The experiment system design addressing the design of the entire experiment system including safety system, mechanical parts, user interface and robot periphery is completed. The mechanical construction of the tool carrier includes an additional axis for changing configuration of tools without moving the robot through...
[Last edited
Jan 14, 2013
In the last reporting period, the project is developing from experiment conception and architecture design into the installation of the experiment prototype system. We have collected most of the equipment offers and are now initiating the orders. Due to the late official accession, orders are a bit behind the plan. We have...
[Last edited
Oct 15, 2012
The project started on 2012-02-01 and a Kickoff meeting was held on 2012-02-16 in Berlin. We have discussed the first requirements for our experiment including appropriate room industrial robot measurement equipment mechanical tool interface power tools and workpieces. Now we work on the motion and force requirements of the...
[Last edited
Mar 2, 2012